Thursday, June 10, 2010

Watching Movies Backwards

ok so here's how it goes. i was searching for newer version of neuview player and i came to know that it has reverse playback feature. wee!!!
so i start playing a few movies backwards and wowww :D watching your favourite movie backward is soo much fun :D
as you watch things fall into perspective,hmm !! maybe not :p. for eg. reviving people with swords/knives, pulling out bullets out of bodies with guns :D

argh i googled and this "Baierman" beat me to writing such an article grr!!!HAH!! by months

"Here are the synopsis of 26 popular movies watched backwards."

my favourites:
13 Reservoir Dogs backwards is about a gang of thieves who pull bullets out of each other with the help of their magic vacuum guns. Once revived, they break into a jeweler to return stolen diamonds. They celebrate their success with some pop culture dialog at a local diner.

17 Forrest Gump backwards follows the incredible journey of a not-so-intelligent man into a not-so-intelligent boy. (It's like Benjamin Button with a much better sound track.)

24 Passion of the Christ backwards, friendly Romans pull Jesus off a cross so he can have dinner with his friends.

wee!!! am off to watch tristan and isolde backwards :D

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Have I lost weight?..noo

It so happens that you meet your friend after a long time who has been working out and has beefed up a bit and you deliberately don't bring up the topic in the conversation.
Then the friend will start the conversation by saying "Hey dude!! What happened yaar you have lost weight!!Dont you eat properly or what?You are nothing as you were before.Do you study a lot?This happens everytime :O
And then you can't even reply back that you also have been working out.Having said all this just start the conversation by saying "Do you workout?nice!!" and hopefully they won't pass comments about you :D